

[web framework][python] FLASK vs DJANGO, Flask 튜토리얼

flask vs django(vs fastAPI) flask 튜토리얼 flask vs django 단순 REST API 서버 구축 flask가 효율적 flask 튜토리얼 0. Home - flask: web application framework(Py..


[python] [OpenCV] image thresholding, 이미지 임계값 처리

0. image thresholding 1. simple 2. adaptive 3. otsu's 0. image thresholding 이미지 이진화 : threshold(임계값)에 따라 흑백을 정함. pixel's value> threshold : 백 pixel's value threshold --> value, or 0 cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV : 위의 반대 cv2.THRESH_TRUNC : pixel's value > threshold --> value, or pixel's ..


[autoML][python][mljar] automated machine learning - Part2 : mljar.version2

1. previous posting (install) 2. mode (manual, custom) 3. model save, load 4. features importance 1. previous posting (install) 설치 및 간단한 소개에 대해서는 이전글 참고 2021.05.26 - [Data Insider] - [python][mljar] automated machine learning - Part2 : mljar [python][mljar] automated machine learning - Part2 : mljar 순서 1. mljar : automated machine learning 2. install - pip 3. run code 4. report 1. mljar : automa..


[Imputation][python] Missing value Imputation, simple and multivariate

아마 거의 모든 데이터 셋에는 missing value가 존재 missing value 처리 방법은 간단히 두가지 지운다. : deletion 채운다. : imputation imputation 방법은 크게 두가지 simple multivariate simple imputation If “mean”, then replace missing values using the mean along each column. Can only be used with numeric data. If “median”, then replace missing values using the median along each column. Can only be used with numeric data. If “most_frequent”..


[matplotlib] matplotlib.pyplot color list,Python pyplot 색 종류 및 색 선택

reference: List of named colors — Matplotlib 3.1.0 documentation Note Click here to download the full example code List of named colors This plots a list of the named colors supported in matplotlib. Note that xkcd colors are supported as well, but are not listed here for brevity. For more information on colors in matplo


[Streamlit] streamlit을 이용해서 간단한 머신러닝 web-app 만들고 배포 및 공유하기

#0. streamlit을 사용해서 간단한 machine learning app 구현 #1. streamlit 회원가입 #2. streamlit, github repository 연결 #3. streamlit cloud에 new app 추가 ##3-1. 초기설정 ##3-2. cloud python 환경설정, requirements.txt #4. app 실행 확인 #0. streamlit을 사용해서 간단한 machine learning app 구현 이전글 참고, 2021.09.17 - [Data Insider] - [linux] [Streamlit] streamlit을 이용해서간단한 머신러닝 사용 앱 구현하기 [linux] [Streamlit] streamlit을 이용해서간단한 머신러닝 사용 앱 구현하기 ..


[python] SHAP summary plot,Gray scale, 흑백으로 그리기

1. shap version check and building a explainer 2. matplotlib colormap, make color dictionary 3. shap.summary_plot 1. shap version check and building a explainer 사용한 shap version : 0.37.0 import shap shap.initjs() print(shap.__version__) building a explainer # changing names of features names = pd.read_csv('~/name_dictionary.csv', index_col='var') background = shap.maskers.Independent(X_train_fea..


[python] density plot에서 Peak 값(max or min value) 구하고 표시하기

#1. kdeplot #2. get x, y #3. get max or min #4. marking import seaborn as sns import numpy as np #1. ax = sns.kdeplot(th_box_sub2, label='sub2') #2. x = ax.lines[0].get_xdata() # Get the x data of the distribution y = ax.lines[0].get_ydata() # Get the y data of the distribution #3. maxid1 = np.argmax(y) # get max in all maxid2 = np.argmax(y[x0.56) & (x0.56) & (x0.56) & (x0.56) & (x

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