Data Insider/Note

Data Insider/Note

[Note] 난임-배아 연구

Blastocyst grading Morphological grades NUMBER: The degree of the expansion of the embryo’s cavity, ranging from 2-6 2 = cavity fills 1/3 of the embryo 3 = partial expansion, fills 70% of the embryo 4 = fully expanded cavity 5 = embryo has expanded and split open the zona 6 = embryo has completely hatched from the zona FIRST LETTER: The inner cell mass (ICM) quality. A = well-defined clump of ce..

Data Insider/Note

[Note] 개인 공부

Regression y = b0 + b1X1 + b2X2 + ... + bkXk R² : 결정계수, 적합한 정도를 재는 척고, 0~1 회귀모형의 유용성 SST : total sum fo squares, 총변동. 개별 ydml 편차 제곱의 합 SSE : explained sum of squres, 설명된 변동. 회귀식 추정 y의 편차 제곱의합 SSR : Residual su..

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