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[Multi-Class][Multi-Label] Multi class와 multi label의 개념 및 차이

by Chandler.j 2022. 3. 14.

fig1. title

multi-class, multi-label

  • Multiclass classification means a classification task with more than two classes; e.g., classify a set of images of fruits which may be oranges, apples, or pears. Multiclass classification makes the assumption that each sample is assigned to one and only one label: a fruit can be either an apple or a pear but not both at the same time.
  • Multilabel classification assigns to each sample a set of target labels. This can be thought as predicting properties of a data-point that are not mutually exclusive, such as topics that are relevant for a document. A text might be about any of religion, politics, finance or education at the same time or none of these.

요약: multiclass - 정답 중복X, multilabel - 정답 중복O


XGBoost multiclass 예제



GitHub - gabrielziegler3/xgboost-multiclass-multilabel: XGBoost Medium article code

XGBoost Medium article code. Contribute to gabrielziegler3/xgboost-multiclass-multilabel development by creating an account on GitHub.



ref : https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/11859/what-is-the-difference-between-multiclass-and-multilabel-problem

ref : https://scikit-learn.org/0.15/modules/multiclass.html





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