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[ML][performance matrics] Performance matrics, imbalanced dataset

by Chandler.j 2022. 4. 1.

fig1. title

Performance matrics

  • Confusion matrix
  • Accuracy
  • Precision, Recall
  • F1-score
  • TPR, FPR
  • ROC curve
  • imbalanced dataset

Confusion matrix

confusion matrix



  • (TP+TN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN)

Precision, Recall

  • Precision: TP/(TP+FP)
  • Recall: (TP)/(TP+FN)


  • 2 * (precision*recall)/(precision+recall)


  • TPR = (TP)/(TP+FN) = Recall
  • FPR = (FP)/(FP+TN)

ROC curve

ROC curve

imbalanced dataset


1. negative class(0) > positive class(1) 

help don't help
  • FPR: is high. Since our model predicts everything 1, we have a high number of FP. And it signifies that this is not a good classifier/model.
  • AUC score: is very low and represents the true picture of evaluation here.
  • Accuracy: is very high. Even when TN = 0. Since the data is imbalanced (high number of +tive class). Numerator i.e TN+TP is high
  • Precision: is very high. Since data has a very disproportionately high number of Positive cases.
    The ration of TP/(TP+FP) becomes high.
  • Recall: is very high. Since data has a very disproportionately high number of Positive cases.
    The ration of TP/(TP+FN) becomes high.
  • F1-score: is very high. The high values of Precision and Recall make F1- score misleading.


2. negative class(0) < positive class(1) 

help don't help
  • Precision: is very low. Because of the high number of FP. The ration of TP/(TP+FP) becomes low.
  • Recall: is very low. Since data has a very disproportionately high number of Negative cases. The classifier may detect a larger no. of positive as negative.
    The ration of TP/(TP+FN) becomes low.
  • F1-score: is low. The low values of Precision and Recall make F1- score, a good indicator of performance here.
  • Accuracy: is very high. Since the proportion of TN is very, as the data is imbalanced (high number of -tive class). Numerator i.e TN+TP becomes high.
  • AUC score: is high. Even more than 50% of Actual positive are predicted as FN. (TPR)
  • FPR: is low. It gets skewed because of the large number of TN(imbalanced). Even when a classifier makes a lot of FP


  • negative class(0) > positive class(1) 이고 negative에 포커스일 때 AUC score 사용
  • negative class(0) < positive class(1) 이고 positive에 포커스일 때 Precision, Recall, F1-score 사용
  • Accuracy score는 imbalanced dataset에서 크게 도움이 되지 못함





Judging from the plot above, the can see that when the weight's value is set at 10, we seem to have strike a good balance between precision and recall (this setting has the highest f1 score, we'll have a deeper discussion on f1 score in the next section),



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