

[Multi-Class][Multi-Label] Multi class와 multi label의 개념 및 차이

multi-class, multi-label Multiclass classification means a classification task with more than two classes; e.g., classify a set of images of fruits which may be oranges, apples, or pears. Multiclass classification makes the assumption that each sample is assigned to one and only one label: a fruit can be either an apple or a pear but not both at the same time. Multilabel classification assigns t..


[evaluation metrics] 불균형 분류에 대한 평가 지표,Evaluation Metrics for Imbalanced Classification

imbalance 데이터로부터 classification 모델을 만들었을 경우 어떤 평가 지표를 써야할지 고민. 명료하게 정리된 글. ref : https://machinelearningmastery.com/tour-of-evaluation-metrics-for-imbalanced-classification/ Tour of Evaluation Metrics for Imbalanced Classification A classifier is only as good as the metric used to evaluate it. If you choose the wrong metric to […] machinelearningmastery.com

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