#1. kdeplot
#2. get x, y
#3. get max or min
#4. marking
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
ax = sns.kdeplot(th_box_sub2, label='sub2')
x = ax.lines[0].get_xdata() # Get the x data of the distribution
y = ax.lines[0].get_ydata() # Get the y data of the distribution
maxid1 = np.argmax(y) # get max in all
maxid2 = np.argmax(y[x<0.59]) # get max in specific range
minid = np.argmin(y[(x>0.56) & (x<0.62)]) # get min in specific range
plt.plot(x[maxid1], y[maxid1], 'o', label=round(x[maxid1],2), ms=10)
plt.plot(x[maxid2], y[maxid2], 'v', label=round(x[maxid2],2), ms=10)
plt.plot(x[(x>0.56) & (x<0.62)][minid], y[(x>0.56) & (x<0.62)][minid], 'x', label=round(x[(x>0.56) & (x<0.62)][minid],2), ms=10)