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[linux] ubuntu 18.04 NVMLError_LibRmVersionMismatch: RM has detected an NVML/RM version mismatch.

by Chandler.j 2021. 10. 12.

fig1. title

#0. reboot

#1. command line


#0. reboot

재부팅 짱짱맨


#1. command line

#1-1. 뭐가 돌고 있는지 찾아보자

lsmod | grep nvidia

fig2. maybe

#1-2. 꺼주자

sudo rmmod nvidia_drm
sudo rmmod nvidia_modeset
sudo rmmod nvidia_uvm

#1-3. 확인해보자


fig3. wow

#1-2'-1. 만약 안꺼지고 다음 메시지가 나오면

fig4. if

#1-2'-2. 확인해보고

sudo lsof /dev/nvidia*

fig4. trouble shooting

#1-2'-3. Kill the PID

sudo kill -9 1993

다시 #1-2. --> #1-3. 순으로 진행.



ref : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43022843/nvidia-nvml-driver-library-version-mismatch


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