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[SQL][DataBase][PosgreSQL] PostgreSQL Create DB,Import csv file

by Chandler.j 2024. 1. 29.

1. PostgreSQL

2. Create DataBase

3. Import CSV file

4. SQL Query

1. PostgreSQL

- https://www.postgresql.org/about/


PostgreSQL: About

About What is PostgreSQL? PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system that uses and extends the SQL language combined with many features that safely store and scale the most complicated data workloads. The origins of PostgreSQL


- Download: https://www.postgresql.org/download/

- 무료임 / OS 범용적임 / 간단히 DB 구축해서 사용하기 좋음

2. Create DataBase

1) SQL Shell (psql)

- 정보 입력하여 로그인

- CREATE Databse

- \l >> DB list

- \c dbname>> db connect


2) pgadmin

- pgadmin 4 실행 후 1 > 2 > 3 순으로 클릭

- 탭에 있는 설정할 것들 설정 한 후 save click

- db_test2 DB 생성 확인

3. Import CSV file

- sample data





1) sql shell

- Create table

- COPY csv file

보통 하면 되는데 권한 이슈가 있는 것 같아 일단 패스 pgadmin으로 다시 import

2) pgadmin

- 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 순으로 import/export data click

- general > options > columns 설정 확인 후 ok click

- 알람으로 started and completed 확인

4. SQL Query

- select 문으로 해당 table data 확인




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