Blastocyst grading
Morphological grades
NUMBER: The degree of the expansion of the embryo’s cavity, ranging from 2-6
2 = cavity fills 1/3 of the embryo
3 = partial expansion, fills 70% of the embryo
4 = fully expanded cavity
5 = embryo has expanded and split open the zona
6 = embryo has completely hatched from the zona
FIRST LETTER: The inner cell mass (ICM) quality.
A = well-defined clump of cells
B = less well defined; may be grainy in appearance
C = a few dark cells, appear degenerative
SECOND LETTER: The trophectoderm quality.
The trophectoderm is the cell layer that makes the placenta and the membranes surrounding the baby.
A = many smooth cells, equal size, forming a neat layer
B = irregular cell layer, some grainy cells
C = very irregular cell layer, cells may be dark and/or grainy
IVF : In Vitro Fertilization 체외수정